Royal Daugther of God you were destined to be.

5:12 PM

  • What we see when we close our eyes is more important than how we look on the outside. What you behold, you ultimately become. And your Father wants you to allow Him to paint a picture on the inside of you of how He sees you, what your frame, personality, and heart look like to Him. And as you behold this image, you will begin to reflect it on the outside, acting and behaving as the Royal Daughter of God that you were destined to be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    But how can we begin walking this out? I can tell you from experience that you simply cannot wait to "feel" confident before you begin to act confident. So what's the answer then. Faith. As you begin to see and understand who you truly are- a confident, secure, important and destined Daughter- then you can now act out of your true identity, even when your emotions say something different. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    Too often we want to wait till we feel something to act on it. But this is why we feel so trapped all the time. The longer you put off acting in faith, the longer you will feel stuck and frustrated that you can't seem to break free from old patterns and emotions. It's only when we begin to act on what we see by faith, that our emotions will begin to change and we will begin to see actual transformation and growth in our lives. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    So, let's not just simply have a discussion about this, let's make it happen. Let's make today the day that you decided to accept the role that was your's alone to play. The role of a fierce, beloved and accepted Daughter of God who has a purpose and a destiny to fulfill on this earth. Your mission is so vital, that you cannot afford to be sidetracked by negative emotions or fears that bring you down. There may be someone in your life that needs what you have and only you can represent God's heart the way you were uniquely designed to. 💙 

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