Choose to have a good day.

1:35 PM

What you think of how your day will be when you wake up is how your day will be.
Choose to have a good day. 
When your problems seem insurmountable.. take a deep breathe, relax, and find one positive thing in your life.
Focusing on the positive brings positive into your life.
Today is a wonderful day. Repeat this statement when you wake up and every time you feel low. It will boost your mood and your day!
Everyday you wake up is a good day. Live it to the fullest!
There's nothing as empowering as setting a daily goal and then attaining it. If it happens to get you closer to your big goal, that's even better. Who knows better than you how you feel?
How you will feel each day is also up to you..
Choosing to have a good day will make the day better.
Will you choose to have a wonderful day?

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